About us
As a group of enthusiastic board gamers and childhood friends, our hobbies varied from time to time, however playing both board and video games had never left our circle of interest and always kept us engaged in the most recent updates of two gaming industries.
Our main goal with Gorgasali Battle Royale was to somehow intertwine the
best aspects of both worlds - visual pleasure from video games and thought-provoking, well-formulated board game scripts.
With the whole new gaming structure, we offer you to spend quality time with your friends and family, while still being able to experience a thrill that naturally comes along with a really, really good game.
An idea to create a board game was born in 2018 and soon after we actually decided to give it a go. Today, after 400 days, 2400 hours of hard but fun work, and 200 test games later, we are confident that Gorgasali Battle Royale is ready to be shared with the public.
In spite of quite a surprising number of financial offers to release this game as soon as possible, we are more inclined to seek public support and make Gorgasali Battle Royale a board game of choice, rather than of option.
We look forward to get you engaged in a world of board gaming, where every move you make decides your destiny in that very moment. We hope that our public worldwide will enjoy the game as much as we enjoyed the process of creating it.